
Paint & BINGO with Pure Romance (Blue Goose Inn)


From 6:00 until 9:00

At Blue Goose Inn

2432 Blue Goose Rd Ebensburg PA 15931


Jodi Bennett, Custom Artist / (724)859-3155/jodibennettart@yahoo.com

"PLEASE NOTE: Registration alone does not guarantee your ticket. Please make sure to continue to payment section after registration. Having an issue? Please contact Jodi at jodibennettart@yahoo.com, on FB or call (724)859-3155. Thank you!"

There are 19 people coming.

Look who's coming: Franki, Kristen zeglen, Vicki Johnson, Kelley Sable, Rebecca Bowden, Kayla, Hanna Bradford, Danielle Smorto, Denise McGinnis, Tammie Mack, Kyleen Ressler, Susie Piper, Susie Piper

There are 21 places available.

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