Reindeer Hanger (Smokey Valley Sportsmen’s Club)
From 12:00 until 3:00
At Smokey Valley Sportsmen's Club
226 Smokey Lane Hastings, PA 16646
Jodi Bennett, Custom Artist / (724)859-3155/jodibennettart@yahoo.com
"PLEASE NOTE: Registration alone does not guarantee your ticket. Please make sure to continue to payment section after registration. Having an issue? Please contact Jodi at jodibennettart@yahoo.com, on FB or call (724)859-3155. Thank you!"
There are 19 people coming.
Look who's coming: Dee Labelle, Anita Murphy & Pam Glinsky, Tasha Huey, Stephanie Nelson, Carol Smith, Carol smith, Olivia whited, Lindsey Prasko, Linda Hebert, Tanya Pellas, Terri Lansberry
There are 11 places available.
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