
Winter Wishes (American Legion)


From 6:00 until 9:00

At American Legion

805 Maple Ave Northern Cambria PA


Jodi Bennett, Custom Artist / (724)859-3155/jodibennettart@yahoo.com

"PLEASE NOTE: Registration alone does not guarantee your ticket. Please make sure to continue to payment section after registration. Having an issue? Please contact Jodi at jodibennettart@yahoo.com, on FB or call (724)859-3155. Thank you!"

There are 54 people coming.

Look who's coming: Kimberly Rickard, Hayley Ayers, Cara Smith, Kristen Pegg, Courtney Hockenberry, Brigette Baker, Gena Hollingsworth, Shannon Pompa, Roxie Schweter, Kelley Sable, Tiffany Weiland, Elaine karlinsey, Sarah Buchanan, Samantha Kreasko, Sandra Wise, Tammy Holtman, Danielle Pavlosky, Tanya Pellas, Dee LaBelle, Randi DePetro, Johniemarie Olenchick, Robyn Zernick, Robyn zernick, raeley mcgarvey, Elaine Brewer, Goldina Budner, Kimberly Myers, Trish Filipiak, Denise McGinnis, Tammie Mack, Evelyn long, Bonnie Toth, Courtney Burgoon, Shelby Sifford, Emma Kay carpinello, Jordan Thomas, Sonya wallace, kasie wallace

There are 6 places available.

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